Using a random sequence of notes, you’ll face more challenges on the way to refining both sense of pitch and pitch locations in the theremin’s control space.
Using a random sequence of notes, you’ll face more challenges on the way to refining both sense of pitch and pitch locations in the theremin’s control space.
One more way to preserve the threads on the theremin flange and the mic stand.
Fun to send a song flowing from the grownup back through time into little kid ears.
For the thereminist’s purposes, being in the center of a pitch means being at the correct frequency, neither sharp nor flat. It means matching the desired pitch, particularly in the context of a melody. To train the ear, it’s good to play “around” the frequency, allowing yourself to experience and process all of the tonal [...]
As you get more comfortable with producing vibrato, use this short tutorial as a guideline to help you to actively choose different rates from very wide to very narrow. This is the last step before our first experiments with using vibrato as a true means of expression.
Time for another break in the lessons. For your dining and dancing pleasure, a timeless song many of us know from childhood.
If it’s your goal to play melodic pieces on the theremin, the refinement of your sense of pitch is an ongoing endeavor. We’ll go from basic to progressively more complex. Without having “absolute” or “perfect pitch,” exercises like this help tune our ears.
This introduction to an approach for pitch fingering lays out the parameters for the tutorial.
Simple positions for the pitch hand and fingers derived from movements the hand makes naturally and observing the results. These movements serve as a point of departure for developing fingering that’s comfortable and repeatable, with predictable results. $nbsp;
Push beyond your limits, develop more comfort and dexterity with producing sound on the upstroke of your volume hand. This exercise provides a tactile reference to allow you to progress while gauging your accuracy and skill.